Reviews in Digital Humanities, edited by Dr. Jennifer Guiliano and Dr. Roopika Risam, is the pilot of a peer-reviewed journal and project registry that facilitates scholarly evaluation and dissemination of digital humanities work and its outputs. We accept submissions of projects that blend humanistic and technical inquiry in a broad range of methods, disciplines, scopes, and scales. These include but are not limited to: digital archives, multimedia or multimodal scholarship, digital exhibits, visualizations, digital games, and digital tools. We particularly encourage submission of digital scholarship in critical ethnic, African diaspora, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American, and postcolonial studies. Submit your work or contact the editors at [email protected].
As of November 2024, Reviews in Digital Humanities has more than 510K page views, with 140K+ unique users from 150 countries. Among fields of study for the projects we have reviewed, 30% of projects are in African diaspora studies, 21% are in Latinx studies, 9% are in Global Indigenous studies, and 19% are in Queer studies. The remaining 21% come from a variety of fields.
Reviews in Digital Humanities is a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals.
Reviews in Digital Humanities is published through the generous support of the Mellon Foundation and Digital Humanities and Social Engagement at Dartmouth College
ISSN (Electronic): 2766-9297