A review of Louisiana Slave Conspiracies, an interdisciplinary project on the 18th-century Pointe Coupée slave conspiracies, led by Bryan Wagner, Patty Frontiera, Shadrick A. Small, and Jenelle Thomas
A review of Relaciones Geográficas, an interface for exploring the Relaciones Geográficas of Mexico and Guatemala, 1577-1585, directed by Albert Palacios
A review of the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, a digital media arts collective documenting gentrification struggles and creating tools for housing justice
A review of Mapping Jewish LA, a series of interrelated digital exhibitions on the past and present of Jewish Los Angeles, directed by Todd Presner and Caroline Luce
A review of EHRI Ghettos, an authority list of Holocaust-era Ghettos using Wikidata, directed by Nancy Cooey, Kepa Joseba Rodriguez, and Vladimir Alexiev
A review of Recovering New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Spanish-Language Press, a digital map of 19th-century Hispanophone print culture, curated by Kelley Kreitz
A review of Chicana/o Activism in the Southern Plains Through Time and Space, a digital history project exploring the development of the Chicana/o Movement, directed by Joel Zapata
A review of Borderlands Archives Cartography, a digital mapping project of U.S.-Mexico border periodicals, directed by Maira E. Álvarez and Sylvia A. Fernández
A review of the Lansing Urban Renewal Project, a georectified map tracing the development and impact of urban renewal in Lansing, Michigan since 1950, created by John Aerni-Flessner and students enrolled in RCAH 192 at Michigan State University in Spring 2018 and 2019
A review of Redes, migrantes sin fronteras, a digital community resource project on migrant border crossing, directed by Rubria Rocha de Luna and Alicia Zavala García
A review of Mapping Marronage, an interactive project examining the mobility of enslaved people in the 18th and 19th centuries, directed by Annette Joseph-Gabriel
A review of Land and Legacy, a project investigating the University of Virginia’s land expansion since the 1980s, directed by Janet S. Dunkelbarger, Connor Kenaston, Natasha Roth-Rowland, Lauren Van Nest, and Chloe Down Wells
A review of GeoMAP, a cartographic project on the history of the Parisian art market, created by Léa Saint-Raymond, Félicie Faizand de Maupeou, and Julien Cavero
A review of Sonic Histories of Cork City, a public arts project exploring relationships between sound, space, and history, directed by Jillian Rogers, Elaine Harrington, and John Hough
A review of Digitizing Rochester's Religions, a public history project on religious communities in Rochester, New York, directed by Margarita S. Guillory and Daniel Gorman, Jr.
Review of the East End Digital Library, a project that makes 19th-century archives of London's East End available to the public, directed by Heidi Kaufman
A review of The Old Spanish Trail Auto Highway Archive and Map, a digital project on the Old Spanish Trail national roadway, directed by Lindsay Passenger Wieck
A review of Black Craftspeople Digital Archive, an archive of the lives and experiences of Black craftspeople during the 18th and 19th centuries, directed by Tiffany Momon and Torren L. Gatson
A review of Mina Loy, a multimedia digital project on the avant-garde works of modernist writer and artist Mina Loy, directed by Suzanne W. Churchill, Linda Kinnahan, and Susan Rosenbaum
A review of Medicine | Race | Democracy Lab, a digital humanities project exploring access and care beyond hospital systems, led by Lan Li, Ricardo Nuila, Fady Joudah, Pierce Salguero, and their team
A review of Time Layered Cultural Map, a software ecosystem that allows humanities and social science researchers to create, find, analyze, visualize, and share digital maps, led by Hugh Craig and Bill Pascoe
A review of Colonial Frontier Massacres, an interactive web map of massacres on the Australian colonial frontier, developed by Lyndall Ryan, Bill Pascoe, and team
A review of Paisajes sonoros históricos / Historical Soundscapes, a website exploring historical urban soundscapes, directed by Juan Ruiz Jiménez and Ignacio Lizarán Rus
A review of Guide to Indigenous DC, an app highlighting Indigenous histories, presents, and futures in the nation's capital, directed by Elizabeth Rule
A review of the Bitter Aloe Project, a machine learning approach to studying South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, led by Stephen Davis, William Mattingly, Robert Vaughan, and Jamari Turner
A review of Folklore, Place, and Song, a digital mapping project on corridos, created by Fiona Hartley-Kroeger, Matthew Kollmer, Loida Pan, and Isabella Viega
A review of The Germania Musical Society in Newport, RI, a multimedia digital exploration of an influential immigrant orchestra, directed by Brian Knoth
A review of Native Land Digital, a project counter-mapping Indigenous territories, led by Mesiah Burciaga-Hameed, Kyle Napier, Rudo Kemper, Shauna Johnson, and Moka Apiti
A review of Mapping Black California, a project combining data analysis and journalism to eliminate regional and local systemic inequities, directed by Candice Mays