Special issues in Reviews in Digital Humanities are opportunities to curate a collection of reviews in a particular area of study, topic, or method. We invite interested readers to propose special issue topics for upcoming issues by April 1, 2022.
The Special Issue Process
The process of editing a special issue is simple: the guest editors provide the journal editors with a list of 8-10 projects they would like to include and a list of potential reviewers. The journal editors and editorial assistant manage the process of soliciting overviews from project directors and participation from reviewers. The guest editors have the option to edit overviews and reviews as they come in, if they wish. Once we have received all the reviews for the special issue, the guest editors write their guest editor note, framing their vision for the special issue. On average, this process takes 3-4 months.
We are particularly interested in special issues that shed light on areas of study and methodologies that receive comparatively less attention in mainstream digital humanities publications. We also encourage participation by guest editors located outside the U.S. or for U.S.-based guest editors to invite a colleagues from another country to collaborate with them. For an idea of the types of issues we have published, please see the information below.
Instructions for Proposing a Special Issue
To propose a special issue, please contact journal editors Roopika Risam and Jennifer Guiliano at [email protected]. Your proposal should contain a 100-150 word description of your vision for the special issue and a 100-150 word description of your experience in the area of study, topic, or method, as well as who you might want to invite to guest edit the issue with you (if appropriate). Proposals are due April 1, 2022.
Our Special Issues
Previous special issues have included: Borderlands Digital Humanities (guest edited by Sylvia Fernández and published bilingually in English and Spanish); Latinx Digital Humanities (guest edited by Lorena Gauthereau and published bilingually in English and Spanish); Jewish Digital Humanities (guest edited by Amalia Levi and Michelle Chesner); Reviews in the Classroom I, II, and III (guest edited by Tanya Clement); Sound I, II, and III (guest edited by Mary Caton Lingold); and Digital Pedagogies (guest edited by Amanda Licastro, Schuyler Espirit, and Dibya Roy).
Special issues anticipated this year include: Black Digital Humanities (guest edited by Aleia Brown, Marisa Parham, and Trevor Muñoz); Race, Medicine, and the Digital Humanities (guest edited by Kim Gallon and Kirsten Ostherr); Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies (edited by Jennifer Guiliano); Digital Black Atlantic (edited by Roopika Risam); Digital Archeology (guest edited by Sarah Bond and Hannah Skates-Kettler); and Digital Francophone (guested edited by Michael Sinatra and published in English and French). We also plan to publish a special issue based on the DH Unbound 2022 conference.