Editors' note on the June 2022 issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities
Roopika Risam and Jennifer Guiliano
Welcome to the June 2022 special issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities! We hope that you enjoyed our two-part special issue on Black digital humanities in April and May (Part I & Part II). This month, we bring you an issue comprising projects submitted through our open submission process. This means that the projects reviewed in this issue were submitted by project directors and nominated by the editors, editorial board, or members of our broader community.
This month, we review:
Baldwin’s Paris 2.0, a map that explores locations in Paris that appear in James Baldwin’s writing, led by Tyechia L. Thompson and Carli Smith and reviewed by Kenton Ramsby;
Newspaper Navigator, a multi-phase project redefining searches for visual data in historic newspapers, directed by Benjamin Charles Germain Lee and reviewed by Lorella Viola;
Serpentarium Mundi, a digital iconography compendium on serpents and similar reptilian art subjects, directed by Alexei Alexeev and reviewed by Andrew Meadows;
Timeline of Empire, a student-generated timeline of U.S. empire, directed by Katrina Phillips and reviewed by Jason A. Heppler.
Both Baldwin’s Paris 2.0 and Timeline of Empire are innovative projects designed in collaboration with students in the context of courses. They are inspiring examples of how to engage students as producers of knowledge and promote active learning in class. Baldwin’s Paris 2.0 builds on Tyechia L. Thompson’s early work on Baldwin’s Paris, a map of Parisian locales in James Baldwin’s writing, through a project undertaken in a graduate course. With Timeline of Empire, Katrina Phillips responded to the challenges of the pandemic by promoting connections between students through a collaboratively built timeline.
Newspaper Navigator and Serpentarium Mundi offer insight on how digital humanities projects can promote further research. Through Newspaper Navigator, Benjamin Lee offers an innovative approach to studying 19th-century periodicals using computer vision. In Serpentarium Mundi, Alexi Alexeev has developed the structure for a new approach to digitally documenting iconography.
We hope you enjoy these fascinating projects.
If you are interested in editing a special issue of Reviews, drop us a note! You can also submit a project for review, nominate a project you admire, volunteer for our reviewer pool, and tell your colleagues and students about the journal.
Questions? Thoughts? Concerns? Contact the editors, Jennifer Guiliano and Roopika Risam, by email or through the Twitter hashtag #ReviewsInDH.